TED Üsküdar College Information on Earthquake and Emergency Situations
Dear Parents,
The foundation of our school was laid in 2018 and was fully completed in June 2022. It is a very young, technically and structurally earthquake-resistant campus. The project, technical, and architectural features of our school were designed as a school and the construction was carried out by the current earthquake regulations, and the necessary building inspection and quality control processes were meticulously carried out throughout the whole process. After the completion of the construction, it was confirmed that it was suitable to be a school in terms of science, static, and sanitary aspects in the repeated inspections of the competent institutions, and a certificate of occupancy was issued and licensed as a school by the Ministry of National Education. Our school’s building inspection, occupancy, fire brigade, and health reports are available in our establishment file. Our parents can examine them at our school if they wish.
In order to support our students, our psychological counsellors and vice principals will continue to give new trainings to our students in accordance with their age levels about protection from disasters and the way of acting in case of disasters.
We are updating our plans for protection in case of earthquake, evacuation, gathering area, behaviour, communication and other issues. Our school has an Emergency Management Team consisting of administrative and academic staff who have received the necessary training to manage all possible crisis situations, including earthquakes. In all situations, we will act with the decision, guidance and support of this team.
Our teams (rescue, first aid, shelter, etc.), which are required in natural disasters such as earthquake, fire, etc., regularly receive the necessary training.
In case of a crisis, communication with you will be provided via SMS, WhatsApp and e-mail / K12Net as long as the possibilities allow.
We have sufficient food and beverage stocks in our school kitchen and kitchen storages to be used in shelters after an earthquake or emergency.
Earthquake and Building Evacuation drills will continue to be carried out at regular intervals with/without notice.
In our buildings, cabinets are mounted on the wall and all windows are covered with film.
Our school has a water tank with a water treatment system and 2 generators that are automatically activated 9 seconds after the emergency mains electricity is cut off, and the natural gas system is automatically switched off in case of an earthquake.
In the classrooms, garden, cafeterias, conference hall, and corridors, there are information boards showing the routes to follow and explaining what to do during and immediately after an earthquake.
Do not forget that it is important to remain calm in emergencies, to be coordinated, and to act according to the commands of the relevant authorities.
Emergency Telephones
Switchboard: 0 216 424 44 44
School Mobile Tel: 0 501 258 24 44
School Mobile Tel: 0 533 563 56 85
In case of an earthquake, our expectations from you for the safety and health of our children are as follows:
In case of an earthquake while our students are at school:
Our students will be safely evacuated from the building by their teachers and other teams.
At the end of the evacuation, our students will gather in the Emergency Gathering Area with their class teachers and assistant principals and roll call will be taken. After this process, we will act according to the instructions of the Emergency Management Team. Accordingly, you are requested to;
In case of an earthquake while our students are on the bus:
Important Changes Regarding the Use of Mobile Phones at School:
As of Monday 20 February 2023, students who bring their mobile phones with them will not be able to hand them over to the Assistant Principals in the morning but will be able to keep them with them throughout the day in flight mode. Students who keep their mobile phones with them throughout the day are responsible for their phones. Our teachers will frequently check whether the phones are in flight mode during the day, and the phones that are not in-flight mode will be taken and delivered to the assistant principal. Phones of students who do not keep their phones in flight mode will be confiscated for one week in the first detection. In the second detection, it will be handed over to the parents with a report and the student will not be allowed to bring a phone to school until the end of the term.
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